Five Colors

Five Colors

Have you ever seen a mandala? You know, those circular, abstract tile-rendered drawings Hindus and Romans made? Yeah, me neither.

That’s why I ventured far from the original premise of a mandala, and whipped out some vectors and non-abstract images to fill in the blanks. No more geometrically precise compasses and protractors for me! No need for that where we’re going!

For this project, I decided to go for the five elements represented in a pentagonal formation, but that fell through so I opted for a circle instead. What five elements you may be asking? Because I can tell you for sure there aren’t only four (four is visually boring when you cut a circle into quarters).

These five elements are actually from the Ayurvedic system of medicine, which originated in India. They are: fire, earth, water, air, and ether. Don’t ask me what ether specifically means. It’s some cosmic energy mumbo jumbo. Some weird business.

Anyways, enjoy!


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